The course assessments involve testing one or more competences. Often, this assessment takes place by observing your performance against predefined criteria and whether, by the end of the course or block, you can shape what you have learned to a certain level - depending on your progress. The teacher discusses his assessment with each student, sometimes in response to a self-assessment you have given beforehand. In principle, you must complete each subject with a pass. Resits in subcourses are possible.

Usually twice a year (or more often) the assessments per subject are brought together during what we call the integral assessment. This is a meeting in which many of the teachers who have taught that semester or another defined period participate. To properly assess the development of students into professionals, it is important that the assessment meeting not only looks at the progress you have made in the individual subjects or components, but especially at the coherence your development shows across the full breadth of the professional perspective. This assessment is integral and cross-curricular and comes 'on top', as it were, of the assessments of the individual subjects or units.

The assessment meeting comes to an integral assessment: a conclusion regarding your development in the light of the professional perspective. Are you on level, do you master all competences to the extent that you should, given the year and period you are in? Where necessary and possible, even if all goes well, this integral assessment gives you learning advice and assignments aimed at your development in the next period.
Credits are not linked to the assessment of the subjects, but only to this integral assessment; this is how we focus on your integral development into a theatre or dance professional.
