Health & Performance provides mental and physical support to students through the (walk-in) consultation hours of physical therapy, manual therapy, exercise therapy Mensendieck, nutritional counseling. Student wellness is a major focus of the department. Coaching, mindfulness and psychological support are provided as needed. Research on physical and mental well-being of students is also part of the Health & Performance department.
For dance students
The department provides classes in anatomy and injury prevention, mental skills, nutrition and physical fitness. Dance students with injuries who cannot attend regular classes can receive guidance from the Mensendiek exercise therapist, and transition classes are available.
The physical screenings at the beginning of year 1 and year 2 form the basis of the dance students' personal physical profile.
For all students
The team works (in part) on improvements to increase the studyability of the programs and embed facilities as much as possible in the education. For example, developing mentor training and and mentor supervision, coaching, mindfulness training, mental skills workshops for students.
Note: a large part of the activities of Care & Counseling fall under the department of Health & Performance since the academic year 2023-2024.
Still have questions?
Contact: Sofia Ornella Pinto, Health & Performance coordinator:
The Health & Performance consultation room is: 8.47 on the 8th floor, (020)527 76 29
For more information click here