Name teacher(s)
Sophie van Hoorn and others (still under development) 

The Fair Practice module is a project financed and organized from the quality resources. This module is organised centrally a number of times per school year and is intended for all training courses. Students of the 3rd and 4th year participate in mixed groups. The module is still under development. 

Study load 
Total: 35 hours 
3rd year: 5 meetings of 3 hours and 1.5 hours of self-study each time, final assignment: 3.5 hours.
4th year: 2 meetings of 3 hours, final assignment 3 hours.

Contribution to the competences
Theatre: Research and learning capacity 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, Ability to develop 4.1, 4.4.2, 4.3, 4.4, Entrepreneurial ability 5.5, 5.6 Communicative ability 6.2, 6.3, 6.5
Dance: Research and learning skills 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, Ability to grow and innovate 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, Entrepreneurial and organizing skills 5.5, 5.6, Communication skills 6.1, 6.4.

The Fair Practice module is an in-depth series of lessons that addresses the theme 'fair labour market' for 3rd and 4th year students. This is done on the basis of the lessons 'fair chain', 'fair pay', 'fair share', 'fair time' and 'fair value'. Students of the Dance and Theatre programmes work together in the module. A safe working environment is created in which students question each other on complex subjects: How do you build an honest working practice? How do you stand up for yourself and others in business? How do you relate to work situations in which the other person has more power than you and acts across borders? How do you incorporate inclusion and diversity in your work practice? How do you keep yourself mentally healthy in a complex field in which saying 'no' often doesn't feel like an option? How do we make it clearer what we are worth without being defensive? The Fair Practice module does not aim to come up with definitive answers, but teaches the student from practical grips and insights how to come up with your own vision. 
to act and relate to this world. 

Concrete learning objectives 
The student:

  • Recognises the added value and importance of working together and acting together as a cultural sector, both for the sector itself and towards stakeholders.
  • is familiar with current events around the theme of 'fair labour market', 
  • knows the chain and stakeholders around the fair practice code and has knowledge of national interest groups. 
  • shows that he/she has his/her own vision on the theme of 'fair labour market' and is able to formulate this vision both in writing and orally. 
  • is able to set his/her own rate, has tools to negotiate, has a basic knowledge of general terms and conditions and contract law. 
  • understands the terms 'fair practice code', 'collective labour agreement' and 'labour law'. 
  • expresses legitimate arguments, both verbally and in writing, based on aesthetic, social and economic values in relation to the importance of art to both stakeholders within and outside the cultural sector (art advocacy). 
  • shows insight into multiple visions on the experience of time and current events surrounding work stress and burn-out and is able to apply the theory in his own training and work practice. 
  • is familiar with the 'code on cultural diversity and inclusion', the concept of 'intersectional thinking', the 'importance of an inclusive work sector' and an uneven entry level. 

Work forms
Final assignment, instruction/college, working group, intervision, workshop.

Study material used 
Workbook consisting of cases from practice (edited and updated by the head lecturer), professional literature, cases, assignments, videos, fair practice code, code: diversity and inclusion, report SER-research labour market, CAO, Article Emke Idema: 'burn-out: emancipation of being human',Ted talk: Kimberle Crenshaw: 'the urgency of intersectionality/discussion'.

Method of assessement 
2 x execution of final assignment ((re)formulate vision) 

Evaluation criteria
Presence and participation (insufficient/sufficient)
